Tag Archives: Airbrush Tanning

Solopreneur or LLC – Evolv Comprehensive Guide

So, you’ve ordered your Evolv Starter kit and you’re building your own business! Good for you! You not only possess the finest spray tan machine in the market. But also enjoy the unwavering support of the entire Evolv community, rooting for your success as an entrepreneur. One of the most important things about running a […]

Prime or Not to Prime Before an Airbrush Tan

Beautiful model sitting by shoreline at the beach on a blanket watching the horizon vehicle in the back

If Airbrush tanning is a part of your regular beauty routine. Our goal is to maximize the value of each session by safeguarding your investment and extending the lifespan of your tan. We’ll guide you through pre- and post-tanning skincare steps. Remember the most beautiful skin is the skin that’s well cared for, and these […]

How to Turn Followers into Cash Flow

1k Followers on Instagram and $0 in my bank account. How to turn followers into cash flow.  You’ve started a business page on Instagram—great move! Instagram and Facebook are excellent for reaching a wider audience and building your brand. Today, let’s focus on turning Instagram likes into dollars. Let’s start at the beginning with quality […]

FB Marketing 101

So you’re building an AirBrush Tanning business and you need to advertise. Today we’re going to break it down and talk a little bit about Facebook ads. If you haven’t yet, set up a business page on Facebook, you should. Not only is it free, but it’s an easy way to set yourself apart as a legitimate […]

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

Smiling business woman standing in creative office

What is affiliate marketing? It’s a type of marketing where a business owner pays a commission for promotion or sales of a product. A common way this plays out in our current marketing climate is with influencers on Instagram. It’s a powerful and lucrative strategy for both the business and for the influencers. For example […]

Automated vs. Airbrush. What’s better?

Portrait of young and beautiful woman with perfect smooth skin in tropical leaves. Concept of natural cosmetics and skincare.

The sun is here, and you are all ready to hit the beach! But your pale skin does not pair well with your new bikini. (Hey, first world problems are still problems!) So, what’s a girl to do? You want a perfect tan and there are more options than ever to get your bronze on. […]

Life by Design, Becoming a Successful Airbrush Business Owner

Smiling business woman standing in a green blazer with black shirt

Everyone who’s had a 9-5 has found themselves daydreaming about owning their own business. Setting your own hours. Being your own boss. (C’mon, admit it. We all do it.) Designing your life based on your own priorities? That’s the dream. You think about it, you might even get brave and type “open an airbrush business” […]

Preventing and Fixing Spray Tanning Mess-ups

Spray tanning has numerous advantages with providing you with an instant glow, but just in case you experience a spray tanning emergency, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading for expert tips on how to guarantee a beautiful spray tanning result! Avoid Spray Tan Mishaps  Exfoliate, and start moisturizing, especially the night before you go spray […]

What You Should Wear Before and After an Airbrush Tan

Beautiful young receptionist girl with a smile at the reception meets customers in the salon

Is it your first time getting an airbrush tan? Are you worried about what you should wear in preparation for your custom airbrush tan? If yes, then we will advise you to stay here a bit longer, because we’ve got some accurate clothing and shoe suggestions that will be most suitable for before and after […]

Salon Spotlight: Hush Tanning

  Hush Heated Airbrush Tan was established in 2013 by Andrea Liaga. Hush is located in Carlsbad, California and is a airbrush only salon. Andrea has been airbrush tan certified since 2009, and exclusively using Evolv for the past 6 years. At Hush you’re guaranteed a customized tan by Andrea herself each time, as she wears […]