Life by Design, Becoming a Successful Airbrush Business Owner

Smiling business woman standing in a green blazer with black shirt

Everyone who’s had a 9-5 has found themselves daydreaming about owning their own business. Setting your own hours. Being your own boss. (C’mon, admit it. We all do it.) Designing your life based on your own priorities? That’s the dream. You think about it, you might even get brave and type “open an airbrush business” into Google. But then you think about the cost, and that’s the end of it. Right?

Opening any business comes with hurdles. With Airbrush tanning most people think the biggest hurdle is the startup cost. It’s not exactly cheap to open a business. First there is finding space and buying expensive equipment, then deciding on what formulas to offer, and how you can make that work for every skin type. (Talk about daunting, I mean most skin types don’t fall into only a ‘light medium or dark categories.) Then it’s convincing people that your products are the best, and the never-ending advertising that comes with building a brand. Most people think it’s long hours with little pay to make ends meet. It takes too long, it’s too expensive, and it sounds exhausting.

But Airbrushing businesses are growing year over year all across the country. And it has never been easier to open your own business. In a time when the price for opening a traditional business is higher than ever, the threshold for entry in the Airbrush tanning business is only a few thousand dollars. Think about that for a second. You could open a business for less money than you put down as a down payment on your last car.

Don’t you owe it to yourself to look into it? With Evolv we provide everything you need to build your custom Airbrush tanning business. No need for a storefront with our custom backdrops, you can take your business anywhere. Whether that’s to an on-location event or setting up in an existing business.  Our machines are portable and designed to last. So, there is no need to fear them sputtering or breaking down, our clients use them for years.

Our formulas are highly customizable none of that “one size fits all” non-sense. We provide luxury products. You won’t have to convince anyone it’s the best, because our reputation speaks for itself. Not to mention, Evolv is the only company in the world that provides a heated experience! (I know. You’re Welcome.) We’ve taken everything that’s uncomfortable about the Airbrush tanning experience and turned it into pampering. That’s right. Once your clients have felt the difference, they are never going to go back to a traditional spray tan.

We provide you with affordable luxury products, so you can provide a luxury brand. Imagine how great your work environment would be if everyone was always happy to see you and felt great about themselves when they left. Now imagine total time and financial freedom. It’s all possible with Evolv and we want to get you set up! What are you waiting for?

Give us a call today for a customized business consultation at 760-891-0257 Ext.2. In less than 10 minutes, we can identify your visions & goals, and help turn them into reality!