Hit the Sand: 3 Beach Hacks for Your Next Beach Vacation

Happy woman on the beach

Not sure how to prepare for your upcoming beach vacation? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Read on for some super helpful beach hacks!

There are plenty of great reasons to get an airbrush tan, but one of the best is an upcoming beach vacation.

After all, unless your name is Dita Von Teese, you don’t want to show up to the beach looking pale.

Of course, your preparation for the beach doesn’t stop with your tan. Here are a few beach hacks that will help you stroll up to the beach like the superstar you are.

1. De-hair Your Legs and Bikini Line

One of the most nerve-racking things about hitting the beach?

Stray hairs.

Whether it’s peach fuzz or your armpits, few things are quite so embarrassing as hairs distracting from your swimsuit.

You can DIY it with your shower and a razor, or you can go in for a bikini wax. If you’re doing it at home, go slowly so you don’t nick yourself. If you’re going for a wax, ask friends and family for recommendations, and pop an Advil before your appointment.

And once you’re done, put on your swimsuit and go to the brightest spot in your home, ideally a spot with natural light. Sunlight will accentuate any missed hairs, so use a handheld mirror to check from every angle.

Pay special attention to your knees, ankles, and the backs of your thighs–it’s easy to miss spots in these areas.

2. Don’t Use Just One Sunscreen

Sure, you want to look like a California beach queen, but that doesn’t mean you should ever skip the sunscreen–it’s a health disaster for your skin.

However, when you pack your sunscreen, you should never pack just one sunscreen, even if that sunscreen is the best on the market.

That might not make sense at first, but remember that the texture of your skin is different all over your body. Your face reacts differently to a product than your arms or legs.

So, that spray sunscreen that works perfectly for your arms is probably too oily for your face.

You should carry sunscreen for your body, face, lips, and even hair in your beach bag (remember, your scalp can get sunburned too). And don’t forget to cover sneaky spots like behind your ears or the bottoms of your feet.

3. Eat Right

Few of us can resist chips and salsa on the beach, but the fact is, certain foods are more conducive to a confident beach trip than others.

If you know you’re going to the beach in advance, you can start eating right as early as five days beforehand. Stick to foods that are high in protein and low in carbs, and try to reach for whole wheat, since foods containing white flour usually make you retain more water.

You should also stay away from artificially-sweetened stuff and anything high in sodium–again, these make you bloated. When all else fails, stick to fresh produce–either way, it’s good for you!

Need More Beach Hacks?

Who needs a supermodel regimen? With the right beach hacks, you can turn heads on the beach for all the right reasons.

If you need to prepare for the beach with an airbrush tan, we’ve got you covered. We offer a completely customizable solution platform with a guaranteed smooth application.

Ready to rock the beach? Click here to find a salon near you.

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